Whatsapp:+447385896449 (TEXT ONLY PLEASE)

email: tarotgurueng@gmail.com




if you book now you will be added to the queue from that date
To order a Reading please send me an email or WhatsApp message with the information I need
Photos and names plus a little pre-story and your questions You can send up to 6 questions.
 If you would like to book a one-question reading to have a YES or NO answer this would be a short video. Priority reading (will be done within 24 hours)
How to book: Please choose the reading you would like and pay first, then send me an email with your name and the information I need.
After receiving the payment I will inform you when your reading will be ready as there queue.
If you don't have a photo for any reason please note: it is still possible, but will only be about 70% accurate. All information is 100% confidential, all photos, names, and other information will be deleted after the reading, without any exceptions. Please note all readings start after 20:00 London time. by booking this readingyou agree with Terms and Conditions


A little Thank you to support my channel


Tarot reading

This Reading would be suitable for people who whould like to have maximum information about their relationship, job, career or any other subject.



Diagnostic for spell work, or if you need cerse removal. Or if you woul like to spell work done


Priority tarot reading

This Reading will be done within 24 hours for people who dont want to wait. suitable for people who whould like to have maximum information about their relationship, job, career or any other subject.


classic coffee reading

This Reading is traditional coffee reading


Face to face tarot reading

This is a live face to face reading which is done via a  video call at a pree aranged time beteen both parties. If you are located outside of the UK you need to factor in the time diffence between countries as we are based in the UK, The cost of this is £250 for a 30 minuate service.




Ritual as shown on my youtube and tiktok about 15 minutes


Gypsies Spread

would be suitable for people who want to know what will happen within about two weeks. You can ask about yourself or someone else.


one question reading

would be suitable for people who want a quick answer for something like (what he or she is thinking about you today) or (what does he feel about you today)


Magic candles

Please see the video .

£50 pluse postage

Magic powder to attract men

Please see the video .

£20 pluse postage